Grandsmere, Manor Place
Grandsmere provides support for up to 6 people with a learning disability. It is within easy walking distance of Halifax town centre and has a nearby local bus route.
There are many excellent local facilities including Savile Park and Manor Heath Park which offers leafy strolls and somewhere to enjoy and maybe have a drink or something to eat. Also nearby is Wainhouse Tower, sometimes referred to as the Tower of Spite, a well-known landmark in Halifax.
Grandsmere provides individualised care to some very independent people; some have travelled extensively abroad whilst others often frequent different towns and cities following their hobbies. We aim to ensure people get the most out of life and grasp at every opportunity which may come their way. We have regular reviews and keep all person-centered records up to date.
Our service is a lively one, with people helping to cook and clean their home and having a say in how things happen.
Our aim is to make the home welcoming and to ensure all of your needs are understood and carried out to suit you and your individual requirements.
Get in touch
For enquiries, please contact:
Sian Radley
Services Coordinator

M Lawson
Home Manager