Bridgewood House, Denby Dale
Bridgewood House can support 21 individuals with a learning disability, both male and female. Our aim is to encourage you to be involved in the day-to-day running of the service and its activities. Bridgewood House is situated in Denby Dale, a beautiful part of the world; we have access to all the resources of the village and the surrounding areas.
We support you at all times with dignity and treat you as a special and valued individual.
We will respect your privacy by providing you with the care and attention you require to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
Highly trained and qualified staff provide a high standard of care and support to clients with high dependency and complex needs. Staff are trained and experienced at supporting individuals with dementia.
Get In Touch
For enquiries, please contact:
Sian Radley
Services Coordinator
Tel: 01484 667866
Get in touch
For enquiries, please contact:
Sian Radley
Services Coordinator

Carmen Ryan
Home Manager